Improving healthcare insurance with a modern data platform

Unleash productivity and faster insights with self-service analytics

workflows migrated
to Databricks
20+ business users
enabled for self-service
Company Size
3000+ employees
Insurance and Financial Services


Legacy systems introduce data and analytics bottlenecks that limit decision making
Legacy data architecture limits business agility

CZ is tackling the limitations of their legacy data infrastructure, a mix of SAS and Cloudera, which struggle to support new business demands for data analysis. These siloed systems are often inefficient, inflexible, and struggle to perform at cloud scale. Supporting these systems creates complex data management processes that limit business agility. CZ realized the need for a modern solution to streamline data access and deliver data mesh and self-service analytics across their business. 

Limited engineering expertise creates data access bottleneck

CZ’s legacy data architecture requires specialized skills to manage, which are limited to their central data team, creating a bottleneck and limited access to data. As a result, business units requesting new data access or transformations face long wait times while the central team juggles ongoing maintenance tasks with new projects. This greatly impacts CZ's ability to make data-driven decisions in a timely manner across the organization.


Moving from siloed data to self-service analytics with a modern data transformation platform
Cloud native data architecture enables faster data-driven insights 

CZ leverages Prophecy’s cloud-native, highly intuitive data transformation capabilities to  seamlessly integrate with Databricks. This combination eliminates the inflexibility of their legacy systems and enables efficient data transformation at scale. Prophecy is streamlining CZ’s data pipeline development, with the goal of freeing the central data team and empowering business users to take ownership of their data for faster insights.

Democratizing pipeline development through self-service data transformation

By utilizing Prophecy’s AI-powered visual designer CZ is working to remove the data engineering bottlenecks associated with pipeline development. This data mesh, self-service approach equips business users with the ability to review and develop their own data pipelines and generate high-quality, open source code. This will foster greater business agility and speed data transformation for faster decision-making.

“Prophecy was a game changer for our Databricks migration. It empowered our business analysts to both validate and migrate data pipelines without interventions from our engineers. This not only relieved our central data team but fostered a culture of self-service analytics, accelerating data-driven decisions for better healthcare insurance delivery.”

Dave van den Hurch, Senior Product Owner Data, CZ


Visual tooling and automation for streamlining migration

Leveraging a visual user experience for data transformation allows data engineers and analysts within business units to help drive CZ’s migration to the cloud. This, combined with automated code generation for Databricks, is significantly accelerated the migration of 2,000 data pipelines, speeding up the overall transition away from their on-premises platform.

Simplifying development to expand data team capacity

CZ's adoption of user-friendly, intelligent data transformation tooling has sped the migration up with over 20 non-core data engineers from 7 business units contributing to the migration to Databricks.

Self-service analytics to accelerate insight delivery

Prophecy’s AI driven visual interface enables CZ involve business analysts across their organization with a data mesh architecture and self-service. This will allow business units can transform data for their specific needs in an independent manner and accelerate insights and data-driven decision making.

workflows migrated
to Databricks
business users transitioned
to self-service