Spark development made visual

Empower any data user at any skill level to harness the potential of Apache Spark and modernize your process for developing, deploying and managing data pipelines.

databricks, datalake, apache spark logos
Faster development via a
visual designer

Visual IDE

Build and deploy data pipelines on Databricks with a visual, intuitive, drag-and-drop IDE.

Native Spark code

Visually generate high-quality, native, editable, open-source Spark code.


Develop, execute and debug your Spark code with live cluster interactivity.

Best software practices to ship
trusted data

Git integration

Manage and version your changes with our built-in GIT integration.

Test coverage

Develop or auto-generate and run unit tests for transformations.


Move from development to production with our seamless CI/CD integration.

Simplify operations by managing
complete lifecycles


Schedule your workflows via a seamless integration to Databricks Workflows or Apache Airflow.


Enjoy comprehensive production management with end-to-end monitoring for data pipelines.

Search and lineage

Track data back to its source with metadata search and column-level lineage.

Create and build your standards with

New visual elements

Create visuals elements (gems) for sources, targets and transformations, designed to simplify complex patterns and ensure smooth scalability for your organization.

Standardized code

Standardize and reuse subgraphs with multiple visual elements across numerous pipelines to ensure consistently high-quality pipelines.


Low-code Apache Spark and Delta Lake

A guide to make data lakehouses even easier.
Get the eBook

Low-code data transformations

10x productivity on cloud data platforms.
Watch the webinar