No lock-in, Productivity, and Performance

Make your team 10x more productive on your existing data infrastructure with a zero-compromise copilot that can handle the most complex use cases. Unlike legacy ETL providers, Prophecy produces standard code that never locks you in.

Make your team
10x Productive

In the age of copilots, you can do many times more with your current team. Your data engineers can deliver projects faster and fewer data engineers can take up the current workload. This opens up bandwidth for new projects such as generative AI initiatives.

AI Powered Visual Designer

AI powered visual designer is your own AI companion, helping you build pipelines rapidly putting together standard blocks with AI recommendations.

Ship Trusted Data

The data pipelines are built with software best practices including AI generated tests and documentation, enabling you to ship data with confidence.

Build Frameworks

Your team can add plugins to Prophecy with standard Spark or SQL code. This is used to create frameworks to create highly standardized jobs.

Data analyst
data engineer persona
Make your platform available to
10x More Users

Data Platforms are often used just by the platform team, but with Prophecy you can bring a lot more data users including data developers in the business data teams on to your platform. Business data users can build daily transformations themselves. The platform team can support business data users for more challenging tasks by creating frameworks and standards for them.

Frameworks in Prophecy are developed as Spark code, and visual components that wrap it. Existing libraries written in Spark can be imported.

Data engineer
Data Platform Team
knows programming
data engineer persona
Data analyst
Busines Data Team
knows business rules
data analyst persona
Consolidate on-premises ETL products to the cloud with
ETL Modernization

Prophecy is used very often to replace and consolidate Legacy ETL formats, especially when the workloads are very complex including tens of thousands of data pipelines built with reusable frameworks. At this scale, manual rewrite is daunting, so Prophecy has developed Transpilers that are available as import buttons for the major on-premises formats.

AbInitio transpiler is the most mature and used by multiple Fortune 500 enterprises. Prophecy can handle abstractions such as frameworks, configuration sets, and reusable subgraphs.

IBM DataStage and Informatica transpilers have been used by a couple of customers each to migrate and modernize.

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Modernize your data pipelines on cloud data platforms.

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