Data Transformation

Develop data pipelines yourself that run at scale in your SQL data warehouse. Get faster insights, make better decisions, and streamline data analysis.

For users looking to replace Alteryx, see replacement

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Develop Data Pipelines

Prophecy’s AI-powered visual designer helps you build data pipelines that turns to code in SQL with dbt core™ format that runs on any cloud data warehouse.

You can open existing dbt core projects in Prophecy and edit them visually.

Orchestrate and schedule

Use the AI-powered visual designer to describe the order in which the data pipelines should be run, and schedule them to run at a particular time.

You can run based on dataset arrival, run pipelines, send notifications and push Tableau extracts.


Software Best Practices

AI text and visual pipelines turn automatically into high-quality, open source code that is versioned in Git. AI generated developed tests run every time a new change is committed. AI generates documentation and commit messages.

Data pipelines are deployed to run regularly, based on the described schedule, are monitored and AI helps fix errors in the pipelines.


Publish and subscribe

Datasets developed by data pipelines can be published from your projects, and users can search, evaluate, and subscribe to them.

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Architecture guide

Modernize your data pipelines on cloud data platforms.

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Pink Gem